But wouldn't blood come out so you'd be bathing your own blood from down there? Does blood even come out or does the water stop it?
Urgh. This is embarresing! I'm sorry if this is gross.How does this work?
don't be embarrassed..we have all been through this..It does help cramps to take a warm bath, don't use water that is too hot. The bleeding does stop when you are lying in the tub, but it will come out in a clot (if it is a heavy day of your period)when you stand up to rinse off in the shower. This is normal too. You should never wear a tampon in your bathtub, it is not necessary. You would wear a tampon if you wanted to go swimming while you were on your period. If this all seems too gross for you, you can skip the bath and lay a heating pad or hot water bottle on your back and stomach. It has almost the same effect, also, take some acetaminophen.How does this work?
it wont if you wear a tampon. But sometimes i dotn wear one and then take a bath. And no, blood doesnt come poring out. at least not for me, except for when i sit up and unplug the bath water, and start to move around. flexing your abdominal muscles tends to loosen up the blood down there, so yes, for me it comes out, but only at the end of my bath when i move around. But if you were to go swimming, you'll definitely want to wear a tampon! good luck
It's not gross at all. This is a very normal question. You will not bleed in the water. I've taken baths every time I've had a period and nothing has ever came out on me. I have heard tho that some heavy bleeders that have blood clots come out can have a blot clot come out while in the tub, but they just remove it quickly. The water doesn't turn red or anything. I wouldn't worry about it. I would get in the tub and try and feel better. Chances are you have nothing to worry about. Hope you feel better!
I dont know if a bath helps cramps, but heat does, so a heating pad often works, or one of those icy/hot patches.
I do know that the flow of blood stops when you are in the bath, or swimming. Not sure exactly how that works, but I think it has to do with the difference in pressure...
This is not gross. This is a very reasonable question. Depending on how heavy your flow is you might leak into the tub. I take baths all the time when I'm cramping and I've never had a problem. But somtimes I would rather cuddle up in bed with a hot water bottle. Here is a link to a cozy hot water bottles. I'm 33 and still find these comforting. :)
I used to take tub baths during my teens during my period. The water does not stop the flow.
It does come out, but NOT so much you're bathing in your own blood.
I found that using a heat wrap helps cramps better than a bath.
I stopped taking tub baths during my periods because I would feel faint and dizzy.
From what I hear from other women, yes it helps to take warm baths and it would also help to have a heating pad on your stomach. Use a tampon and I would say don't sit in the tub filled with water if you are bleeding at that very moment. I hope that helped; good luck!
Yes it does help to take a hot bath. It has alway helped me. Yes sometimes blood does come out but not very much. And most of the time blood stops when you are in water. Oh yeah and you know what else helps your cramps is raspberry tea. I dont know why but it does work! You should try it. Good Luck
oh poor hunni. yes baths help a bunch and water stops your period for a little bit. that why when i am on the dot i always take a bath and i still go swimming. your are totally fine to take a bath. enjoy your bath!! and trust me that is not a gross question. dont be so embarrassed. it happens to all of us strong women. good luck sweetie
The water pressure keeps the blood inside of you. If you don't feel comfortable taking a bath while on your period, a heated water pad, or one of those plug in heating pads for your back, pressed on your abdomen will do the same trick
i heard taking a warm bath helped but i've never really tried it. but im sure its just really relaxind and thats why it helps with cramps. i usually lay down and nap when i have cramps bc it goes away then. other things, i heard eating bananas helps! so good luck!!
I believe the bath helps because of the warm water. you can try a heating pad see if that helps with the pain?
In my experience, unless i'm having a VERY heavy flow, my period stops in the shower... I don't know why.
yeah- it will still come out in the water. you're better off just putting hot water in a bottle %26amp; holding it against your tummy or using a heating pad-
%26amp; take some aleve , midol, or tylenol (tylenol pm works like heaven :)
Water doesn't stop it, but you probably won't notice it while bathing, but a hot shower can also help if your feel weird about taking a bath.
well for me it stops which is really weird idk i cant explain it and idk y it does that but no u dont bathe in ur own blood
Water stops it, and yes it helps.
Use a tampon, then you don't have to worry. Hot baths do help with cramps.
no bath just relax ..... eat chocolate
just work out at the gym
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